The Undivided Life
Volume 17 - June 20, 2023

Making Business Human
By combining strategy, culture, and a passion for human flourishing,
Undivided Life emboldens, empowers, and equips leaders to create
thriving organizations and experience true success.
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Don't "Follow Your Passion"
How many times do young people hear that the secret to success is to "follow your passion?"
What does that mean? What is the alternative?
Check out this recent blog post from Jeff Schiefelbein highlighting his road to success by not following his passion.
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The surprising truth about what motivates us.
This YouTube classic is the animated summary of Daniel Pink's best-selling book, Drive.
Continuing with the theme of this newsletter, take a10-minute break this week to be challenged and inspirited by this look into the primary sources of human motivation.
Autonomy | Mastery | Purpose
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I love My Family, I would [blank] for them.
What would you do....?
The LinkedIn post of the week probes deeper into the question, "What would you do for your family."
- I love my family, I would die for them.
- I love my family, I would do anything for them.
Of course you would die for them, that one is easy.
But would you really do anything for them?
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